31 may : Stephan Kirch just left back home with Bruni vom Nordlicht after 2 breedings with Jerom.
We had planned a breeding with Hannibal uit 't Berggat (halfbrother of Jerom) We all did our best but Hannibal didn't seem to realize what he was supposed to do :-) So at the end, we rushed all back home where Jerom was most willing to help.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom
We had planned a breeding with Hannibal uit 't Berggat (halfbrother of Jerom) We all did our best but Hannibal didn't seem to realize what he was supposed to do :-) So at the end, we rushed all back home where Jerom was most willing to help.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom
25 may : Hannah Thariza v Leuenfort arrived safe and well in the USA. She will be hopefully the new start for the breeder MaryAnn Farenzena 'From Lions Den' and is co-owned by my friend Brenda Ford.
18 may : Cäthe Cringel vom Nordlicht gave birth to 16 pups ! No wonder she was that big. Unfortunately a caesarian was needed halfway, 5 pups were stillborn but 11 pups are alive and doing well.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
17 may : Bona Dea of Gently-Giants returned back home to Switserland after 3 passionated breedings, 3 days in a row.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
5 may : What a day ! We had planned to go and see the Von Leuenfort puppys, a trip which would take a whole day. We had assumed that Jeroms marriage with Yen-Ay would be earlier that week.
But Yen-Ay took her time, fridaynight at the 6 th progesterontest she was almost ovulating....
A 7th test was planned on sunday. So we decided, last minute, to leave Jerom at home to avoid he would be to tired from travelling that long in a hot car.
And indeed while we were almost in Lemförde we received a phonecall that Yen-Ay was now at 13,4 ! Oops our timing needed to be even more strict.
We spended 2,5 hours with the pups - pics are coming soon.
Then we rushed back home. Got stuck 4 times in the traffic : on a sunday ?!? ggrrrrr Hurry Hurry.
Finally we were back home at about 20.00 h Yen-Ay arrived 15 minutes later and then it was time for relaxing and romance.
Ingrid had hoped for a marriage in spring. The weather and the blossoms in our garden added to the most romantic setting.
see update on the page of Jeroms offspring.
But Yen-Ay took her time, fridaynight at the 6 th progesterontest she was almost ovulating....
A 7th test was planned on sunday. So we decided, last minute, to leave Jerom at home to avoid he would be to tired from travelling that long in a hot car.
And indeed while we were almost in Lemförde we received a phonecall that Yen-Ay was now at 13,4 ! Oops our timing needed to be even more strict.
We spended 2,5 hours with the pups - pics are coming soon.
Then we rushed back home. Got stuck 4 times in the traffic : on a sunday ?!? ggrrrrr Hurry Hurry.
Finally we were back home at about 20.00 h Yen-Ay arrived 15 minutes later and then it was time for relaxing and romance.
Ingrid had hoped for a marriage in spring. The weather and the blossoms in our garden added to the most romantic setting.
see update on the page of Jeroms offspring.
1 may

Cäthe Cringel vom Nordlicht is expecting a big litter.
This is how she looked at the start of the 7th week.
This is how she looked at the start of the 7th week.
15 april exciting news from Jeroms fiancée Memicedaiska Yen-Ay. She started her heat.
To be continued next week and to see already more pics scroll down till 27 jan on this page.
To be continued next week and to see already more pics scroll down till 27 jan on this page.
CAC/CACIB Show in Antwerpen 13.04.2013 judge I. Hectors (B)
Very proud of the results of my babys at the CACIB Show in Antwerpen. In Youthclass at 11 m my Lorelei uit 't Berggat got 1 Excellent and her brother Leandro 2 Excellent.
Very proud of the results of my babys at the CACIB Show in Antwerpen. In Youthclass at 11 m my Lorelei uit 't Berggat got 1 Excellent and her brother Leandro 2 Excellent.
10 april : Ultrasound confirmed Cäthe's pregnancy. Jerom becomes father again in Germany.
20 march : Monika just left with Cäthe Cringel vom Nordlicht after 2 passionated breedings.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
See update on the page Offspring of Jerom.
15 march : Charlotta in Germany got her babys and all is fine. We think they are beautiful and look so shiny and well :-)
See update on the page offspring of Jerom and the first pics at 2 days of the H- von Leuenfort pups
See update on the page offspring of Jerom and the first pics at 2 days of the H- von Leuenfort pups
10 march : Monika Klein & Stephan Kirch came to see Jerom and Hannibal.
CAC/CACIB Show in Hoogstraten 17.02.2013 judge P. D'Hooghe (B)
James uit 't Berggat (brother of Jerom) won Open Class. Had to compete later against Rosaceae Melocactus (1 EX Intermediate class) and Rosaceau Juncelles (1 EX CH Class ) The CH dog won the CAC/CACIB so Multi CH Hakuna C Bora Z Miloticek, placed 2nd had to come back in the ring. And James uit 't Berggat got the RCAC/RCACIB !!! How cool is that !
Our girl Lorelei uit 't Berggat was entered for the first time in Youth Class and got a 3th place and Very Good. Judge liked her type but placed her the last because she was overbuilded.
James uit 't Berggat (brother of Jerom) won Open Class. Had to compete later against Rosaceae Melocactus (1 EX Intermediate class) and Rosaceau Juncelles (1 EX CH Class ) The CH dog won the CAC/CACIB so Multi CH Hakuna C Bora Z Miloticek, placed 2nd had to come back in the ring. And James uit 't Berggat got the RCAC/RCACIB !!! How cool is that !
Our girl Lorelei uit 't Berggat was entered for the first time in Youth Class and got a 3th place and Very Good. Judge liked her type but placed her the last because she was overbuilded.
7 feb : message from Charlotta for Jerom : she is pregnant and at least 7 pups were seen on the ultrasound.
See update on the page offspring of Jerom
See update on the page offspring of Jerom
27 jan Jerom and Memicedaiska Yen-Ay are engaged. Marriage planned at her next heat april/may 2013.
This would be the very first litter in the Dutch Kennel La Fami Yen-Ay. Yen-Ay is a lovely girl and they fit very well together. We will do our very best to make it happen.
This would be the very first litter in the Dutch Kennel La Fami Yen-Ay. Yen-Ay is a lovely girl and they fit very well together. We will do our very best to make it happen.
12 & 13 jan : Jerom and Charlotta spended a lovely weekend together. Charlotta stole my heart : such a sweet and gentle bitch !
See update on the page offspring of Jerom
We got news from Praag : Debbie was bloodtested and all came back as normal. 9 jan progesteron was again 4,77 and 11 jan she was at 9,76 ! So the long trip must have caused a set back of her cyclus. And now back home and 1 week later she was ready to breed.
See update on the page offspring of Jerom
We got news from Praag : Debbie was bloodtested and all came back as normal. 9 jan progesteron was again 4,77 and 11 jan she was at 9,76 ! So the long trip must have caused a set back of her cyclus. And now back home and 1 week later she was ready to breed.
7 jan : Such a weird development.... Debbie is already on her way back home !
In Praag 4 jan fridaymorning progesteron was 4,9. Breeder left home sunday early in the morning with Debbie and her mother Bara both in season in her car. After their arrival, it was obvious that Debbie would not let Jerom approach her & when Bara passed by he seemed to be more attracted to her.
This morning Debbie was a bit more relaxed but far from ready for love.
So we did an urgent progesterontest + cytologie to know what was happening : to soon, to late ?
At noon the result came in : here in Belgium Debbie was only at 0,03 = anoestrus phase !!! ???
So my vet believes that the lab in Praag must have made a mistake - perhaps switched samples. Debbie must have smelled attractive due to the long trip together with her mother + he advised to let her check for an infection because of the bloody slime..... WOW this trip all in vain might have saved her life.
In Praag 4 jan fridaymorning progesteron was 4,9. Breeder left home sunday early in the morning with Debbie and her mother Bara both in season in her car. After their arrival, it was obvious that Debbie would not let Jerom approach her & when Bara passed by he seemed to be more attracted to her.
This morning Debbie was a bit more relaxed but far from ready for love.
So we did an urgent progesterontest + cytologie to know what was happening : to soon, to late ?
At noon the result came in : here in Belgium Debbie was only at 0,03 = anoestrus phase !!! ???
So my vet believes that the lab in Praag must have made a mistake - perhaps switched samples. Debbie must have smelled attractive due to the long trip together with her mother + he advised to let her check for an infection because of the bloody slime..... WOW this trip all in vain might have saved her life.
6 jan : Debbie Od Brdské studánky was surely not in the mood ! From the sounds she made it was clear she hated him. We did not insist and hoped it was the stress from the long trip.
5 jan 2013 : Debbie was already at 4,9 on fridaymorning - breeding planned for tomorrow the 6th
3 jan 2013 : Jerom is expecting visit of 2 lovely Ladys next week. The first bloodtest of Debbie in Tsjechië is 4 jan and later today I received the news that Charlotta in Germany has finally come in heat also.
3 jan 2013 : Jerom is expecting visit of 2 lovely Ladys next week. The first bloodtest of Debbie in Tsjechië is 4 jan and later today I received the news that Charlotta in Germany has finally come in heat also.
Updated the offspring of Jerom page with very sad and also exciting news from Switserland.

31 oct 2012
Good News
Bellatrix was scanned today
Puppys on their way in Switserland
19 oct 2012 The breeding with Bayka didn't take - no puppys
12 oct 2012 Good News - Uschi was scanned today and is expecting many pups - .
12 oct 2012 Good News - Uschi was scanned today and is expecting many pups - .
Just when we enjoyed the returned peace in our house, we got the news that Bellatrix of Gently Giants came in heat also !
It was love at first sight and she was mated right after her arrival on 4 oct 2012 and again on the 5th and the 6th We hope this lovestory will have a happy ending.
It was love at first sight and she was mated right after her arrival on 4 oct 2012 and again on the 5th and the 6th We hope this lovestory will have a happy ending.
24 sep 2012 : Romeo-Fever is gone ! phew .... Bayka was mated the 21 th september. Since this morning Happys peak seemed over and this evening Jerom resumed eating. Finally ! I guess the last 10 days, he lost again 4-5 kg.
Uschi and Jerom mated with passion the 13 th and for pleasure on the 14 th of september.
Happy is in season and in her peak since today ....
And we got the news that Bayka van Dammershof is also in season since last week
Tough period for Jerom as all things came together : Uschi was a month later then expected and Bayka was only due in october
Happy is in season and in her peak since today ....
And we got the news that Bayka van Dammershof is also in season since last week
Tough period for Jerom as all things came together : Uschi was a month later then expected and Bayka was only due in october
Jerom is expecting visit of a lovely Lady this week.
First bloodtest on friday assured us that the clubmatch was not interfering with LOVE.
First bloodtest on friday assured us that the clubmatch was not interfering with LOVE.
The Belgian Clubshow 8 sep 2012 is over and it was a fine, very hot and long day.
But so good to see all those lovely dogs and the people who care that much for them. :
All my adult leo's : Hannibal and Hera, James and Jerom got an Excellent - on top of that Jerom was placed 3th in breedersclass ! To my great surprise : I had expected nothing as Jerom was the youngest and he had to compete against CH dogs . My 3 L Babys got all Promissing and an overall excellent report. So wait and see next year :-)
I have already uploaded pics of the adults in an album on facebook. I will finish it later with the pics of the babys.
But so good to see all those lovely dogs and the people who care that much for them. :
All my adult leo's : Hannibal and Hera, James and Jerom got an Excellent - on top of that Jerom was placed 3th in breedersclass ! To my great surprise : I had expected nothing as Jerom was the youngest and he had to compete against CH dogs . My 3 L Babys got all Promissing and an overall excellent report. So wait and see next year :-)
I have already uploaded pics of the adults in an album on facebook. I will finish it later with the pics of the babys.
25 aug 2012 visit in Holland to see the 11 pups of Jerom - they all found a good and loving home.

Hannibal uit 't Berggat BOS - Click on the pic to see my album on FB
10 sep 2011 Belgian Clubshow
A 1,2,3 for the uit "t Berggat Leos !
I am still on cloud 99 after the Belgian Clubshow.
All 6 children of Elixir did very well and 3 of them were placed.
Hannibal 1 Ex in Open Class and I was really knocked out when he got the CAC. Sister Happiness (our Happy) 2 EX in Breeders Class and halfbrother James 3 EX in Intermediate Class.
for the complete results and pics, see this page on clubwebsite http://www.leonbergerclub.be/show2011/
A 1,2,3 for the uit "t Berggat Leos !
I am still on cloud 99 after the Belgian Clubshow.
All 6 children of Elixir did very well and 3 of them were placed.
Hannibal 1 Ex in Open Class and I was really knocked out when he got the CAC. Sister Happiness (our Happy) 2 EX in Breeders Class and halfbrother James 3 EX in Intermediate Class.
for the complete results and pics, see this page on clubwebsite http://www.leonbergerclub.be/show2011/